What to Look for in a Display Advertiser
There are many different types of web advertisers, but the most successful web advertising businesses follow a similar pattern. These companies are the ones who are thoroughly invested in bringing a company’s sales up, either through direct advertisement and link to the website or through informational means that drive sales into a store over the course of a set time period.
It is very important to recognize which companies will work hard for their clients and which ones are overcharging. Below are a few of the tools that a quality display advertising company will use to test the effectiveness of an advertisement, and how it can be improved to get more views and access to the company’s home page.
Impression Curve
This is used to measure how long a page must be refreshed or a link clicked on before the ad for your company pops up. If the ad doesn’t show up until after twenty other ads, the likelihood of a client purchasing your product is very small. When grading on the Impression Curve, it allows the advertiser to rate by how many clicks your ad needs to improve, so as to start getting business. In other words, when your ad falls after a certain point on the curve, it tells the advertiser how much promotion the ad needs in order to gain more traction and business.
Frequency of Ad
Yes, this may seem a bit silly or like common sense, but more work goes into this. It is important the ad doesn’t show up too frequently, to the point where it becomes a nuisance, but if it isn’t shown a certain amount of times in a set period of time, the viewer will not remember the ad.
When the ad appears is also vital. If people are not viewing the webpages where the ad is shown when it is shown, then it will not make a difference. The Web is most commonly used between 6 am and 11 pm, so these would be the best times to display. Based on the target audience, more specific time frames could be placed on advertisements, depending on when that specific target is on the web the most.
Position on the Page
Where an ad is shown will dictate how often it gets read. For example, with anything in a visual frame, our eyes are automatically drawn to the top left corner of the screen. Promoting something here would be more likely to be remembered by the viewers than if it was at the bottom on the left hand side of the webpage. So the position of the ad, in the context of the rest of the webpage, is very particular and should be paid attention to in detail.
Guest post provided by Ted Dhanik. Ted Dhanik is the innovative CEO of engage:BDR, provider of display advertising and high performance marketing solutions. Visit Ted Dhanik for more information on Ted Dhanik.