Put EDI to Use for Your Company

By Act Data Services, Inc. 1-800-ACT-DATA

Just about everyone these days knows that the future of their company depends, in large part, on leveraging as much technology as possible for their purposes. This can mean a number of different things though. Unfortunately, too many organizations use as many types of software as they can afford without considering the long term effects of this strategy.

ActData1The ramifications of this approach often means that all these virtual assets work to become counterproductive to the point that the company using them actually suffers. In the worst case scenarios, this strategy might bankrupt a company before it actually has a chance to slow it to a complete standstill.

Whatever the case, the smartest way out of this tailspin is to use an electronic data interchange platform. In simplest terms, what it does is allow different programs to connect with one another and work in the most streamlined fashion possible. It’s like providing a supervisor and interpreter to manage your software.

Companies like Wal-Mart depend on these solutions to help their international operation flow smoothly despite all the moving parts it involves. If it works for them, it will most likely work for your company’s needs as well. At the very least, it’s definitely worth looking into.


If you want EDI software, the choice couldn’t be simpler. In this industry, there is Act Data Services and then there is everyone else. Make the right choice by putting their experience to use for your company.